Wednesday 26th February, Feria – 11.30am, Rosary – 12 Noon, Mass
Thursday 27th, St Gregory of Narek – 12 Noon, Midday Prayer with the clergy of the Enfield Deanery
Friday 28th, Feria – 12 Noon, Mass
Sunday 2nd March, Eighth Sunday of the Year – 10.30am, Solemn Mass
There will be pancakes after Mass on Sunday 2nd March, the last Sunday before Lent.
During Lent, Stations of the Cross will be offered on Wednesdays at 11am, before the midday Mass. Our Teaching Group will look at the Nicene Creed, which we say on Sundays, in this the 1,700th year since its writing. This will run on the four Fridays of March after the 12 Noon Mass.