Please read, below, about the Parish Mass from Sunday 15th August.
Sunday 8th August, Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
10.30 am, Junior Church
11.00 am, Said Mass
Wednesday 11th August, S.Clare
11.00 am, Exposition and Simple Benediction
12.00 Noon, Mass
Friday 13th August
12.00 Noon, Mass
Sunday 15th August, The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
10.30 am, The Parish Mass
Getting back to normal – The Parish Mass
On Sunday 15th August we will be combining Junior Church and the Solemn Mass into one service beginning at 10.30am. Junior Church members will stay until after the notices and then they will have their time together in the Lower Hall.
This will also be the first service since the beginning of the lockdowns when the congregation will be able to sing.
Masks may still be worn but as the church is still well ventilated, this will be the choice of individual members of the congregation.
There is still no physical exchange of the Peace and communion from the chalice.
Social distancing will still be in operation and handwashing is still encouraged. Tea and coffee will be served after the service.