There will be no weekday Masses this week, nor Rosary on Wednesday, as Fr John Cornish will not be at Holy Trinity during the week. Fr John reminds us that the season of Lent will soon be with us, and Ash Wednesday falls on 22nd February. Lent study booklets will soon be available at the back of church. Throughout Lent we will follow the Stations of the Cross on each Friday at 11 am.
Sunday 19th February, 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 10.30 am, Parish Mass and Junior Church. After Mass, we will have our annual Pancake Party. To attend, just add your name to the list at the back of church. The cost is £5 per adult, and the party is free for children.
Next week:
Ash Wednesday, 22nd February -12.00 Noon, Mass and the Imposition of Ashes
The Electoral Roll is now being revised. Please read the information in church for more details.
The Churches Together Lent Launch will be held on Monday 27th Feb at the Winchmore Hill United Reformed Church at 7.30 pm. More details on the poster at the back of church.