Wednesday 15th March – 11.00 am, Holy Rosary – 12.00 Noon, Mass
Friday 17th March, St Patrick, Bishop, Patron of Ireland – 11.15 am, Stations of the Cross – 12.00 Noon, Mass
Sunday 19th March, 4th Sunday in Lent (Mothering Sunday) – 10.30 am, Parish Mass and Junior Church
We hope for a good attendance at Junior Church on Sunday 19th March, which is Mothering Sunday, as well as being the 4th Sunday of Lent. Posies of flowers will be available for children to give to their mother, or to anyone else!
The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be held after Mass on Sunday 16th April. We would welcome one or two new people to serve on the PCC – please talk to Tricia or Clive if you are interested.