Sunday19th November, Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – 10.30am, Parish Mass and Junior Church
Monday 20th, Feria – 10.30am, Mass
Wednesday 22nd, St Cecilia – 11.30am, Rosary – 12.00 Noon, Mass
Friday 24th, Ss Andrew Dung-Lac and the Martyrs of Vietnam – 12.00 Noon, Mass
Sunday 26th November: Christ the King – 10.30am, Parish Mass and Junior Church
The Christmas Fair will take place on Saturday 2nd December. Do sign up to help, on the board in church. Raffle tickets are now on sale, and books of tickets can be obtained from the table in the south aisle.
Fr Simon is wondering whether people read the other side of the weekly service sheet, handed out in church each Sunday? One other option would be to have full copies of the Sunday Mass readings printed instead. Let Fr Simon know your thoughts. Votes are now split 50/50. The Mass readings can be read on your smartphone if you downloaded the Universalis app, or if you want a book you can buy a copy of the Sunday Missal. Let Fr Simon know if you want any assistance.
We are looking for volunteers to be our Safeguarding Officer and Lead Recruiter, both important roles. The Lead Recruiter oversees the very small number of DBS checks the church needs. The Safeguarding Officer has a wider role, encouraging the welfare of children and vulnerable adults in our church and related communities, ensuring our administration in this area is properly updated. Speak to Fr Simon, Trish or Clive if you want to find out more.
Wednesday 22nd November is the feast of St Cecilia.