Mass times this week, to Sunday 6th October

Monday 30th Sept., St Jerome – 10.30am, Mass

Wednesday 2nd October, The Holy Guardian Angels – 11.30am, Benediction – 12 Noon, Mass

Wednesday 2nd – 12.30pm, Study Group on our Favourite Hymns

Friday 4th, St Francis of Assisi – 12 Noon, Mass

Friday 4th, 7pm – Quiz

Sunday 6th, Twenty Seventh in Ordinary Time – 10.30am, Solemn Mass

On Wednesday, we ask for the protection of the Guardian Angels who watch over us.

The long-awaited study group on our favourite hymns begins this Wednesday after midday Mass for four weeks and everyone is welcome, whether they attend Holy Trinity or not. Refreshments provided.

Harvest Festival will be celebrated on Sunday 20th October. After the 10.30am Mass, there will be a bring and share lunch, so do bring food along, and plan to stay for lunch, as we give thanks for the fruits of the earth.

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