Christmas Eve, Thursday 24th December. Service cancelled.
Sadly, the Junior Church service on Christmas Eve has had to be cancelled. The Christmas Quiz will now take place on Sunday 3rd January at 10.30am.
Christmas Day, Friday 25th December
9.00am Said Mass of the Dawn
10.30am Junior Church
11.00am Mass of the Nativity

courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington
During the Octave
Saturday 26th S. Stephen, Mass 12.00 Noon
Sunday 27th December, The Holy Family
9.00am Said Mass
10.30am Junior Church
11.00am Mass with cantor
Monday 28th, The Holy Innocents, Mass 12.00 Noon
Tuesday 29th, S. Thomas a Becket, Mass 12.00 Noon
Wednesday 30th, Sixth Day of the Octave, Mass 12.00 Noon
Thursday 31st, Seventh Day of the Octave, Mass 12.00 Noon
Friday 1st January, Mary, Mother of God, Mass 12.00 Noon
Sunday 3rd January, Second Sunday after Christmas
10.30am Junior Church
11.00am Mass with cantor