Week Mass times from Sunday 11th December

Sunday 11th December, Third Sunday of Advent – 10.30 am, Paris Mass and Junior Church

Wednesday 14th December, St John of the Cross – 11.00 am, Holy Rosary – 12.00 Noon, Mass

Thursday 15th December – 1.30 pm, Requiem Mass for Alice Strachan

Friday 16th December, weekday in Advent – 12.00 Noon, Mass

Sunday 18th December, Fourth Sunday of Advent – 10.30 am, Parish Mass and Junior Church

The body of Alice Strachan will be received into church on Wednesday 14th at 4 pm. There will be a Requiem Mass in church on Thursday 15th at 1.30 pm.

We hope to stage a Nativity Play at the 4 pm Family Vigil Mass on Christmas Eve. Please contact Fr John or the wardens with the names of any children who would like to take part in the play.

Candles for third Sunday of Advent
Candles for the Third Sunday of Advent

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