Wednesday 16th August, St Stephen of Hungary – 11.00 am, Holy Rosary – 12.00 Noon, Mass
Friday 18th August – 12.00 Noon, Mass
Sunday 20th August, 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 10.30 am, Parish Mass and Junior Church
Date for your diary: Friday 15th September at 7 pm: Service of Collation and Induction of Fr Simon Morris as the Vicar of Holy Trinity.
Our pilgrims from Walsingham were welcomed back at Mass on Sunday 13th! And welcome back soon to Fr Cornish.
Our pilgrimage to Walsingham took place this year from 4th to 7th August. As usual, Fr John welcomed us to the shrine for the weekend, and he organised a wonderful pilgrimage for us, with lots of prayer and fellowship. We were 5 people from Holy Trinity, and 3 friends from other parishes.