Mass times from Sunday 29th October

Sunday 29th October, 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 10.30am, Parish Mass, with Baptism, and Junior Church

Monday 30th – 10.30am, Mass

Tuesday 31st – 1.00pm, Funeral of Marcia Loza

Wednesday 1st November, All Saints’ Day – 12.00 Noon, Mass

Thursday 2nd November, All Souls’ Day – 11.00am, Mass. If you are coming to Mass and would like name(s) of loved ones to be read out, please add those names to the list at the back of church.

Friday 3rd – 12.00 Noon, Mass

Sunday 5th – 10.30am, Parish Mass and Junior Church

Please let Fr Simon know if you have any photographs of well-attended services at Holy Trinity so they can be used in future publicity.
Any donations to the Flower Fund will be gratefully received – please give these to Pauline.
Future date for the diary: Christmas Fair on Saturday 2nd December.

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