Sunday 3rd December, Advent I – 10.30 am, Parish Mass and Junior Church
Monday 4th, St John Damascene – 10.30 am, Mass
Wednesday 6th, St Nicholas – 11.30 am, Rosary – 12 Noon, Mass
Friday 8th, The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary – 12 Noon, Solemn Mass
Sunday 10th December, Advent II – 10.30 am, Parish Mass and Junior Church
Our Christmas Fair on Saturday 2nd Dec was a great success, with over £1,000 raised for church! Thanks to all our churchgoers, their friends, families and neighbours for all their support for the Fair. Highlights included the delicious teas and lunches in the hall, a Barbecue at the entrance to entice people in, the many stalls in church, the Raffle of hampers and other goodies, mulled wine, and of course, Father Christmas himself! Thanks to all who helped prepare the church in the week before the Fair, and who moved lots of stuff to put in place for the stalls. And thanks to Jenny for her supervision and organisation of the event. It was a lot of effort for everyone, but well worth it, and great fun for all!