Sunday 24th December, Advent IV – 10.30am, Parish Mass and Junior Church
On Christmas Eve at 4pm, there will be a Crib Mass. Children are given the option of coming dressed as someone at the Crib (shepherd, angel, animal, etc.)
On Christmas Day at 10.30am, there will be a Solemn Mass. All Christians should be at Mass during that 24 hour period and people can come to both if they like. Hundreds of Christmas cards have been printed to distribute to your friends and neighbours.
Christmas Octave
During the Christmas Octave, the Mass times will keep their usual pattern:
Monday 25th December at 10.30am
Weds 27th at 12 Noon
Fri 29th at 12 Noon
Sunday 31st December at 10.30am
Monday 1st January 2024, Mass at 10.30am