We fondly remember Malcolm D’Aubeney, as the new lectionaries are blessed on Sunday 1st December.

We now support the North Enfield Food Bank! Please donate non-perishable items in church on Sundays.

How to develop our website in 2023
Our website is well set up in WordPress, and is easy to update as a blog. However, our current version of PHP is 7.2.34. It needs to be updated.PHP is one of the programming languages used to build WordPress.We need to update it to version 7.4. This is a challenge for which we need some […]
The Advent season continues, a time of self-examination when God calls us out of darkness into light.

Week Mass times from Sunday 2nd October
Sunday 2nd October – Week 27 in Ordinary Time – 10.30 am, Parish Mass and Junior Church Wednesday 5th October – 11.00 am, Holy Rosary – 12.00 Noon, Mass Thursday 6th October – 10.00 am, Requiem Mass for Janice Seed Friday 7th October, Our Lady of the Rosary – 12.00 Noon, Mass Saturday 8th October […]
Mass times from Sunday 11th September
Sunday 11th September, Week XXIV in Ordinary Time – 10.30 am, Parish Mass and Junior Church Wednesday 14th September, Exaltation of the Holy Cross – 11.00 am, Exposition and Simple Benediction – 12.00 Noon, Mass Thursday 15th September, Our Lady of Sorrows – 7.30 pm, Mass Friday 16th September, SS Cornelius and Cyprian – 12.00 […]
Please come to our Autumn Fair, or Kirchentag, on Saturday 10th September! All are welcome, tell your family and friends!