This week: Wednesday 13th July – 11.00 am, The Holy Rosary: Luminous Mysteries – 12.00 Noon, Mass Friday 15th July, S. Bonaventure – 12.00 Noon, Mass Sunday 17th July, Week XVI in Ordinary Time – 10.30 am, Parish Mass and Junior Church
Week Mass times from Sunday 22nd May
Sixth Sunday of Easter, 22nd May – 10.30 am Parish Mass and Junior ChurchWednesday 25th May, The Venerable Bede – 11.00am, Exposition and Simple Benediction – 12.00 Noon, MassThursday 26th May, The Ascension of the Lord – 12.00 Noon, MassFriday 27th May, S. Augustine of Canterbury – 12.00 Noon, MassSeventh Sunday of Easter, 29th May […]
Week Mass times from Sunday 3rd April
Sunday 3rd April, Lent V – 10.30am, Parish Mass and Junior Church Wednesday 6th April – 11.00am, Exposition and Simple Benediction – 12 Noon, Mass Friday 8th April – 12 Noon, Mass Sunday 10th April, Palm Sunday – 10.30am, Parish Mass with procession and Junior Church
Week Mass times from Sunday 27th March
Sunday 27th March, Lent IV, Mothering Sunday10.30am, Parish Mass and Junior ChurchCharity Pancakes for “Mary’s Meals” at 12.00 Noon. Tuesday 29th March12.00 Noon, Requiem Mass Wednesday 30th March11.00am, Holy Rosary: The Luminous Mysteries12.00 Noon, Mass Friday 1st April12.00 Noon, Mass Sunday 3rd April, Lent V10.30am, Parish Mass and Junior Church
What is Lent? Lent is the 40 day period before Easter, excluding Sundays, beginning on Ash Wednesday, and ending on the evening of Maundy Thursday, making way for the celebration of the ‘Triduum’, the three most important days in the Church’s year: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter. In the scriptures, forty days is a […]
Mass times from Sunday 27th February
Sunday 27th February, Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time10.30 am, Parish Mass and Junior Church Wednesday 2nd March, Ash Wednesday11.00 am, The Holy Rosary: The Sorrowful Mysteries12.00 Noon, Mass with the Imposition of Ashes7.30 pm, Evening Mass with the Imposition of Ashes Friday 4th March12.00 Noon, Mass Sunday 6th March, Lent I10.30 am, Parish Mass and […]
Pancake time on Sunday 27th Feb
Join us for the Parish pre-Lent pancake party on Sunday 27th February, at noon! Free for children, and only £5 per person for adults. — Holy Trinity (@HolyTrinityN21) February 19, 2022
St Stephen’s Day on 26th December
Boxing Day is also known as St Stephen's Day. 😇 St Stephen was the first Christian martyr. The story of his martyrdom is told in the Bible, in Acts Chapter 7. Today's prayer is available in plain text and audio formats at — The Church of England (@churchofengland) December 26, 2021
Come to the Christmas Fair on Saturday 4th December at Holy Trinity!
Don’t miss our Christmas Fair in early December! Bring your family and friends along on Saturday 4th December, between 11am and 3pm. All the fun of the fair including stalls of children’s books and toys, books and DVDs, bric a brac, tombola, and of course, our wonderful Christmas Raffle!! You can buy a book of […]
Confirmation and First Communion on Sunday 31st October
Bishop Jonathan was the celebrant and preacher for the Confirmation of 8 candidates at Holy Trinity last Sunday! He also blessed the new Cross by the main door of church. We celebrated All Saints that day too. Confirmations and blessing of a new cross at Holy Trinity Winchmore Hill — The Bishop of Fulham […]