
The Solemn beginning to the Easter Vigil took place outside, at the church entrance. The Easter fire was lit, and from it the Easter Candle was lit, and taken in procession into church. “The Light of Christ. Thanks be to God”.
The Easter garden is in the church porch – for all to see, especially the younger members of the congregation! Thanks to Trish for the photos of the Vigil and garden.
For our Easter services, the church is beautifully decorated with flowers to celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord. “Christ is risen today. He is risen indeed, Alleluia!” Thanks to members of the congregation for the many flowers, and to Pauline for the lovely arrangements.

Holy Week

WEEK MASS TIMES Sunday 10th April, Palm Sunday – 10.30 am, Parish Mass with procession and Junior Church   Monday in Holy Week 11th April – 12.00 Noon, Mass Tuesday in Holy Week 12th April – Chrism Mass  11.00am at S.Andrew Hoborn  Wednesday in Holy Week 13th April – 11.00 am, The Holy Rosary : The Sorrowful  Mysteries – 12.00 […]

Week Mass times for Easter Week

Sunday 4th April, Easter Sunday10.30 am, Junior Church11.00 am, Solemn Mass 5th April, Monday in Easter Week12.00 Noon, Mass 6th April, Tuesday in Easter Week12.00 Noon, Mass 7th April, Wednesday in Easter Week11.00 am, Exposition and Simple Benediction12.00 Noon, Mass 8th April, Thursday in Easter Week12.00 Noon, Mass 9th April, Friday in Easter Week12.00 Noon, […]

Services for Holy Week

Wednesday 31st March11.00am, The Holy Rosary : Sorrowful Mysteries12.00 Noon, Mass 1st April, Maundy Thursday7.30 pm, Solemn Mass8.30 -9.00pm, Watch 2nd April, Good Friday11.30 am, Stations of the CrossChurch open for Private Prayer 12.00 noon -3.00pm3.00pm, Solemn Liturgy 3rd April, Holy Saturday6.30 pm, Easter Eve Liturgy Sunday 4th April, Easter Sunday10.30 am, Junior Church11.00 am, […]