This has been a difficult year for everyone. For some months, public worship was not possible. We had to cope with all the restrictions which lockdown brings to us, to our families and community. Fortunately, public worship became possible again from early December, and we could use the Advent season to prepare for Christmas. Sadly, […]
Christmas services
Christmas Eve, Thursday 24th December. Service cancelled.Sadly, the Junior Church service on Christmas Eve has had to be cancelled. The Christmas Quiz will now take place on Sunday 3rd January at 10.30am. Christmas Day, Friday 25th December9.00am Said Mass of the Dawn10.30am Junior Church11.00am Mass of the Nativity During the OctaveSaturday 26th S. Stephen, Mass […]
Remembrance Sunday 8th November

Fr John Cornish laid a memorial wreath by the Cross at the church entrance, in memory of those who died in the two Great Wars and wars ever since.
“At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them”.
Private prayer and Exposition of the Sacrament continue in church.
Sunday 15th November, 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00am – 12.00 noon Private Prayer with the Exposition of the Sacrament Weds 18th November, 12.00 noon – 12.30 Private Prayer with the Exposition of the Sacrament Fri 20th November, 12 noon – 12.30 Private Prayer with the Exposition of the Sacrament Sunday 22nd Nov, Christ the King11.00am […]
Private prayer in church on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays
From Thursday 5th November, all public church services will be suspended, to be replaced by private prayer. The pattern for Holy Trinity being open will be: Each Wednesday 12.00 – 12.30, Private Prayer with the Exposition of the Sacrament Each Friday 12.00 – 12.30, Private Prayer with the Exposition of the Sacrament Each Sunday 11.00 […]
Masses for All Saints and All Souls
On Sunday 1st November, the feast of All Saints, we will have a Childrens Liturgy at 10.30am in church, and Mass with music at 11.00am. On Monday 2nd November, All Souls Day, there will be two Requiem Masses, at 12.00 Noon and at 7.30pm. If you would like anyone prayed for – your departed loved […]
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We’re working on our new look website and updated content. Until it’s ready, why not follow us on Twitter?