Light a candle | The Church of England
During November, we remember and pray for All Souls

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.
Our Lent Study Group will look at the Second Letter of St Peter in the New Testament, and will happen after the 12 Noon Mass from Friday 23rd February, up to and including 22nd March. All welcome for one or all of the sessions and texts will be provided. Stations of the Cross will be […]
All Souls’ Day on Thursday 2nd November

Stations of the Cross
A video introduced by Jonathan, Bishop of Fulham. It is about the meaning of the Stations of the Cross for us, during Lent, and throughout the year. The video helps us to appreciate Lent as a gift, a time to reflect upon Christ’s suffering and death, time to step outside the crowd and think how […]
The Advent season continues, a time of self-examination when God calls us out of darkness into light.

Parish pilgrimage to Walsingham, 5th to 8th August 2022
Our small group of pilgrims was led by Fr John Cornish: four people from Holy Trinity, and two friends from other parishes. Some of us travelled to Walsingham by car, some by train and bus. Setting off on the journey is an essential part of any pilgrimage. From north London to north Norfolk is a […]
Pilgrims and friends from our parish make their pilgrimage to Walsingham soon. Fr Cornish will take any petitions to the Shrine if he receives them by Weds 3rd Aug.

St Stephen’s Day on 26th December
Boxing Day is also known as St Stephen's Day. 😇 St Stephen was the first Christian martyr. The story of his martyrdom is told in the Bible, in Acts Chapter 7. Today's prayer is available in plain text and audio formats at — The Church of England (@churchofengland) December 26, 2021